donderdag 28 april 2011

Easter Celebration

 Easter Celebretion in YASAP
easter celebration year 2011, also at celebrate according to special at cheerful reformatory. easter celebration is done on saturday, date 23 aprils 2011 at hall yasap.
easter celebration is done with hold race activity between house child, that is: sermon race, fast read bible and race colours.
sermon race is followed by class child 6 SD, SMP and SMA that number 15 person. fast nd read bible is followed by 3 childs and race colours picture is followed by 3 person.  Pass this activity, all childs is invited to memaknai and realize death and resurrection Jesus for human and this world. Children must candid from poverty and idiocy for good and prosperous. such easter message that submitted by stef riwu as house head before race activity is begun.

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