dinsdag 31 mei 2011

Bericht plaatsen door vrienden Yasap

Om als vriend van Yasap berichten te kunnen plaatsen op deze blog, doe je de volgende stappen: 
  1. Stuur een email naar  infoyasap@gmail.com  om aan te geven dat je berichten op de weblog zou willen plaatsen.
  2. Daarna krijg je van 'yasap blog' een email (op je eigen gebruikelijke email-adres) met daarin een link, die later toegang verschaft tot het zelf plaatsen van berichten.
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Als er nog vragen zijn, mail gerust naar  infoyasap@gmail.com 
Hartelijke groet en veel succes, Alie Mulder, webmaster

donderdag 26 mei 2011

Ceria Orphanage as a location for field work practice participant education and training of Social Workers Social Service in 2011 NTT

 As a form of field study, the Social Service NTT doing field work practice as participant education and training community social worker in 2011, housed at the Ceria Orphanage.
On that occasion, Stef Riwu as head of an orphanage in by Mrs. Debby give an idea about theactivities of nursing and nursing management experience sharing. This session began with a briefexplanation by Stef and the next discussion and question and answer session, and continued witha close look at the activities of children and KUBE's Child and Women's Solidarity Foundation.
The participants came from all districts and municipalities in the Province of NTT, which 30 participants.

woensdag 11 mei 2011

Encore une fois grand merci

Nous remercions la Communanté de Grand Champ la semaine inspirante et leur support et l'esprit de communion entre nos espérances.   Brecht

maandag 9 mei 2011


16 april tot 25 april 2011.
Bezoek aan Grand Champ - Oecumenisch centrum in Areuse (Zwitserland).
Tijdens de dienst in Grand Champ op Paasmorgen is er spontaan een collecte gehouden voor het kindertehuis van YASAP. Nogmaals heel hartelijk dank.
Kruisweg  in het Jura gebergte

Een Kruiswegstop
De Ark


woensdag 4 mei 2011


Ceria Orphanage in year this will remove two children that finished study in level vocational high school. Two this child is Aranci Fanggidae and Tridasa A. Baimetan that enter Orphanage in the year 2005. Aranci that finish study in vocational high school mussel country with textile technique specialization and Tridasa Baimetan in vocational high school clothing order specialization mussel country. 

Tridasa usually at call Abi, in this time work at one of the business unit has sewed at mussel city as daily energy. This matter will be form to increase child craft during will wait national test result that is announced date May 16, 2011.

TK CERIA healthiest school year 2011 mussel district levels middle

Environment that well, beautiful and clean be absolute matter that must has by education institution to give beautiful impression and pleasant with cleanly for pupil.  Alive behavior has welled that at program TK CERIA in education curriculum obvious has got positive conception from mussel district education official middle, pass healthiest school environment evaluation year 2011, mussel district level middle. This matter is submitted moment flag ceremony commemorates mussel regency level national education day at mussel chief of a district office yard middle.